
Zygote at Palladium


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- Curatorial Mutiny and Vision Forum announces another Zygote proto-event. This time, we will be at at Palladium in Malmö August 9, 2024

Zygote is project where performance artists, dancers, musicians and researchers in foetal development are working together. Zygote is a mobile laboratory that moves between different Swedish urban and natural locations. The work is a collective investigation, where the audience is actively involved in shaping the results.

The process does not result in a final performance, instead the working group conducts a series of ongoing investigations together with different audience groups. We call these proto-performances. This makes the work an ongoing and investigative process.

The audience is invited to “find their way back to” the foetal stage while their bodies are immersed in water. They are led through these experimental water exercises by a choreographer. Together with her they develop new ways of experiencing their own bodies. They do so by investigating movements that the foetus performs during its development in the womb.

Zygote is supported by Kulturbryggan.


In residence in Malmö

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Zygote will be in residency at Dansstationen in Malmö August 1-10, 2024. Zygote is project where performance artists, dancers, musicians and researchers in foetal development are working together. Zygote is a mobile laboratory that moves between different Swedish urban and natural locations. The work is a collective investigation, where the audience is actively involved in shaping the results.

The audience is invited to “find their way back to” the foetal stage while their bodies are immersed in water. They are led through these experimental water exercises by a choreographer. Together with her they develop new ways of experiencing their own bodies. They do so by investigating movements that the foetus performs during its development in the womb.

This time the Zygote team will present a new form of showing the the work. They will present at traditional staged version of their experiences in water.

Zygote is supported by Kulturbryggan.


UV: Fully Booked Performances



Performance program 20h, July 19, 2024.


Nour Justinia Hotel, Sousse, Tunisia.
Organiser: Elbirou Art Gallery with AllArtNow and Vision Forum
Curators: Abir Boukhari & Karim Sghaier

In conjunction with the UV biennial Vision Forum will present an evening of performances with Swedish and Tunisian artists working together. The project takes place in a centrally located hotel which is in the process of being renovated. The performances will take place outdoors in the hotel’s open yard.


Artists in the project:

Wissem El-Abed (Tunisia), Severin Guelpa (Switzerland), Eleonore Josso (France), Amine Melki (Tunisia), Fredj Moussa (Tunisia/France), Asma Laajimi (Tunisia), Mouna Jemal Siala (Tunisia), Diogo Pereira (Portugal), Mohamed Ben Soltane (Tunisia), Ahlem Chihaoui (Tunisia), Nisrine Boukhari (Syria/Austria), Omar Bey (Tunisia), Mustapha Sedjal (Algeria/France), Selim Ben Cheikh (Tunisia), Shelley Vanderbyl (Canada), Khaled Abedrabbou (Tunisia), Mats Hjelm (Sweden), Najah Zarbout (Tunisia), Carima Neusser (Sweden), Sara A. Tremblay (Canada), Edgar Endress (Chile), Muhammad Ali (Syria/Sweden), Karama Sayadi (Tunisia), Per Huttner (Sweden).


The 2nd edition of Perplexities in Belgium

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Welcome to:
Sonifications: a one-day festival on Microbes in Art and Science

- Lectures, performances, installations
- June 18, 2024 @ 15:00 – 21:00 —
- ASIL Labs, Krook, Ghent —

Discover the sounds of genetically modified microorganisms singing – encounter bacteria that generate their own films and soundtracks in real time – hear and see single bacteria playing graphene drums?

In the second edition of the annual Perplexity event, musicians, artists, researchers, and thinkers come together for a day of reflection on microbes and sound. During Perplexities, we invite you to be curious, less serious, and more speculative! Join us, and enjoy performances, installations, lectures, and wild mixtures between the three.

Part 1: Lectures and performances (15:00 – 17:00)Marjan De Mey: Biosensors and electric signaling from bacteria – towards a bacterial synthesizer?

* Kristien Hens and Bart Vandeput: Microbial Death. Death has never left life. Thinking through transdisciplinarity by thinking with microbes.
* Freddie Ross  –  “The Consequences of Desire” How to think biotechnologies when utilized in a society governed by achievements and capitalist realism. A performance along a video, with live music.

Part 2: Reception, refreshments & connections (17:00 – 18:00)

* Ioulia Marouda – Infinitesimal (Installation)
* Bartaku: ‘D. flossonica’ Till Bovermann (Installation)

Part 3: Lectures & Performances (18:00 – 21:00)

* Per Hüttner and Robert Oostenveld – Micrsosopic sound scapes: A polymicroscopic performance with sound and image
* Irek Roslon – Listen! This bacterium is alive! Sensors made of atomically thin graphene can be extremely sensitive – so sensitive that they can pick up the mechanical vibrations from cell metabolism, thus providing a way to ‘hear’ bacteria.
*Claudio Panariello and Chiara Percivati – “WYPYM – Were you a part of your mother?” performance for augmented bass clarinet and feedback system.

The event Collaboration between IPEM (Ghent University) & Vision Forum, with support from Curatorial Mutiny. The project is a part of Transformation III and is supported by Kulturbryggan, The Swedish Arts council and Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse. 
You can read about the 2023 event here.


Zygote in Uppsala

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- Curatorial Mutiny and Vision Forum announce another Zygote proto-event. This time we will be at at Linnea simskkola in Uppsala, 14h on June 6, 2024.

This time the group will be in a warm water pool we will re-experience our life inside the womb and water as a being.

Zygote is project where performance artists, fashion designers, musicians and researchers in foetal development are working together. Zygote is a mobile laboratory that moves between different Swedish urban and natural locations. The work is a collective investigation, where the audience is actively involved in shaping the results.

The process does not result in a final performance, instead the working group conducts a series of ongoing investigations together with different audience groups. We call these proto-performances. This makes the work an ongoing and investigative process.

- In the Zygote experience a small audience group (6-8 people) travel by minibus to pools, rivers, lakes or to bays of the sea.
- Here, the audience is invited to “find their way back to” the foetal stage while their bodies are immersed in water. They are led through these experimental water exercises by a choreographer. Together with her they develop new ways of experiencing their own bodies. They do so by investigating movements that the foetus performs during its development in the womb.

Drop a line to info [at] visionforum.eu if you want to join. the event is open for everyone and no prior experience is necessary. Just some swim wear.



- Curatorial Mutiny invites you to two Zygote proto-event. This time we will be at Vattenhuset Nacka, May 18 at 14h.


at Linnea simskola, Uppsala, 14h, June 6, 2024.

This time you are invited to be in a warm water pool and the group will try to re-experience their life inside the womb as well as water as a being.

Zygote is project where performance artists, fashion designers, musicians and researchers in foetal development are working together. Zygote is a mobile laboratory that moves between different Swedish urban and natural locations. The work is a collective investigation, where the audience is actively involved in shaping the results.

The process does not result in a final performance, instead the working group conducts a series of ongoing investigations together with different audience groups. We call these proto-performances. This makes the work an ongoing and investigative process.

- In the Zygote experience a small audience group (6-8 people) travel to pools, rivers, lakes or to bays of the sea.

- Here, the audience is invited to “find their way back to” the foetal stage while their bodies are immersed in water. They are led through these experimental water exercises by a choreographer. Together with her they develop new ways of experiencing their own bodies. They do so by investigating movements that the foetus performs during its development in the womb.


Drop Vision Forum a line at "info [at] visionforum.eu" if you want to join. (The event is free, but booking necessary as the number of participants is limited.)




Our musical collective Xleph will be in residency at Teatermaskinen May 14-20.

They will investigate if music and hypnotherapy together help us to be stronger in the formulation of our own identity. They will do so by recording material under hypnosis which will be shaped into their first studio album. 

The individual members of the collective will also perform a public concert on May 18.

Here are some reflections on the project:

“Who is the real me?” is one of the most persistent questions in human history. It is a question that obviously has no simple answer. Still, we know that from the day we are born that we are influenced by the outside world. We are shaped by our experiences of the natural and technological environment. But maybe more importantly, we are influenced by parents, teachers, siblings, friends, colleagues, the media, social media, politics, economic reality and artistic influences.

As our society gradually becomes more complex, the external pressure on each individual becomes stronger, it therefore becomes increasingly important to know who we are. At the same time it is not simple for each individual to formulate his/her life goals without influence of the above named external forces. It is harder than ever to distinguish our own wishes from those that are imposed on us by social and commercial interests.

Each individual human being struggles on his/her journey through life to make the most of the potential that he/she has. Not knowing who we are and where we belong can stop us from contributing to our loved ones’ lives and to society in general. In order to make this search easier, humanity has developed innumerable techniques to navigate through our inner lives: religious beliefs, psychoanalysis and self-help

Art and music are some of the oldest and most versatile tools for inner navigation and hypnotherapy is one of the most recent ones to be developed. In this project, artists, musicians and hypnotherapists from Sweden and France join forces to investigate what can be learned from bringing hypnotherapy and art together.