Our sister organisation Vision is launching something that we REALLY recommend:
Welcome to conversations about dance and choreography at Weld, Stockholm
Welcome to join a new conversation platform. We invite three interesting artists from the dance field who talk about their artistic practice in an intimate setting together with dance practitioners and other interested. We initiate the series in order to enrich the dance field with perspectives on dance and choreography that differ from the accepted way we talk about dance and choreography. We do so in order to inspire greater artistic diversity and new forms for exchanges about dance.
We also want to support collective artistic conversations that can strengthen our community and open up for new meetings and networks. We want to create a space for fruitful exchanges that focus on art and the artistic without self-censoring. The conversation constitute a platform for exchanges about dance, choreography, process, our unlimited bodies, the unknown and mysteries of life itself. We want to initiate meetings that take inspiration from our artistic desires, reflections and above all our curiosity about the body, dance and choreography.
Each evening begins with a talk by an invited artist, which is followed by a an open conversation where we can discuss with the artist. The presentation will form a platform for new conversations where we engage our own individual artistic interests, questions and reflections related to our own artistic work that we would like to share with each other. We shape the evening together!
The talks are open to anyone interested in dance and choreography. No previous knowledge required. Max 15 people. We provide an open bar.
Participating artists and dates:
Olive Bieringa, 26 April 18.00
Benoît Lachambre and Ricardo Rubio (via Zoom from Canada and Mexico) June 1, 8 p.m
Free entrance.
The talks are moderated and organised by Carima Neusser in collaboration with Weld and Vision Forum
Address: Weld, foajé, Norrtullsgatan 7
Language: English
Free entry, reservation required:
Reserve a place at: info [at] visionforum.eu
Olive Bieringa is a dance, performance and visual
artist working at the intersection of social and creative practice,
pedagogy, and healing. She is a teacher, and practitioner of Body-Mind
Centering and a program director of Somatic Education Australasia. She
collaborates with Otto Ramstad as the BodyCartography Project whose
mission is to engage with the vital materiality of our bodies and minds
to create live performance that facilitates a re-enchantment of
embodiment, relationship, and presence. She is a doctoral candidate at
the Theatre Academy, Uniarts Arts, Helsinki.
Benoît Lachambre is committed to an exploratory approach to movement and its sources as a means to rediscovering its authenticity. His approach is deeply interwoven with the senses so that connecting the artistic and the somatic becomes a necessity. In his creative process, he aims at thoroughly exploring the empathetic experience of the performer and the spectator and the intrinsic malleability of both roles.
Ricardo Rubio is a Mexican choreographer, poet, and performance artist. He is founder and current director of the INTERflamenca dance company. His personal approach to creations is to dialogue with diverse disciplines like poetry, ethnography, performance and electronic media, to research the purpose of ancient rituals in Latin America and traditional dances in the contemporary world.
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