

- Curatorial Mutiny invites you to two Zygote proto-event. This time we will be at Vattenhuset Nacka, May 18 at 14h.


at Linnea simskola, Uppsala, 14h, June 6, 2024.

This time you are invited to be in a warm water pool and the group will try to re-experience their life inside the womb as well as water as a being.

Zygote is project where performance artists, fashion designers, musicians and researchers in foetal development are working together. Zygote is a mobile laboratory that moves between different Swedish urban and natural locations. The work is a collective investigation, where the audience is actively involved in shaping the results.

The process does not result in a final performance, instead the working group conducts a series of ongoing investigations together with different audience groups. We call these proto-performances. This makes the work an ongoing and investigative process.

- In the Zygote experience a small audience group (6-8 people) travel to pools, rivers, lakes or to bays of the sea.

- Here, the audience is invited to “find their way back to” the foetal stage while their bodies are immersed in water. They are led through these experimental water exercises by a choreographer. Together with her they develop new ways of experiencing their own bodies. They do so by investigating movements that the foetus performs during its development in the womb.


Drop Vision Forum a line at "info [at] visionforum.eu" if you want to join. (The event is free, but booking necessary as the number of participants is limited.)


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