
Zygote in Uppsala

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- Curatorial Mutiny and Vision Forum announce another Zygote proto-event. This time we will be at at Linnea simskkola in Uppsala, 14h on June 6, 2024.

This time the group will be in a warm water pool we will re-experience our life inside the womb and water as a being.

Zygote is project where performance artists, fashion designers, musicians and researchers in foetal development are working together. Zygote is a mobile laboratory that moves between different Swedish urban and natural locations. The work is a collective investigation, where the audience is actively involved in shaping the results.

The process does not result in a final performance, instead the working group conducts a series of ongoing investigations together with different audience groups. We call these proto-performances. This makes the work an ongoing and investigative process.

- In the Zygote experience a small audience group (6-8 people) travel by minibus to pools, rivers, lakes or to bays of the sea.
- Here, the audience is invited to “find their way back to” the foetal stage while their bodies are immersed in water. They are led through these experimental water exercises by a choreographer. Together with her they develop new ways of experiencing their own bodies. They do so by investigating movements that the foetus performs during its development in the womb.

Drop a line to info [at] visionforum.eu if you want to join. the event is open for everyone and no prior experience is necessary. Just some swim wear.

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